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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Integrated Concept Map, buddies to practice fluency, teacher working with small groups, comprehension with reading strategies, sense of urgency leads to high student engagment, independent reading to practice comprehension, 5 daily stations which are Work on Writing, 5 daily stations which are Read to Someone, Work on Writing given choice, authentic reading and writing during 5 daily stations, 5 daily stations which are Listen to Reading, Word Work to improve fluency, small groups while student independent work, Read to Someone involves buddies, How do students learn during DAILY 5? through authentic reading and writing, high student engagment results in student driven learning, meaningful reading and writing during 5 daily stations, Read to Self to practice comprehension, Word Work to practice vocabulary, student independent work using 5 daily stations, small groups to conduct guided reading groups